You've got a trademark for your brand. Now how do you protect your domain names, social media account, and other online assets?

How to “Copyright” Your Work
Like “trademark,” it’s better not to think of the word “copyright” as a verb. Copyright is something that you have or you don’t. But when...

Four Contracts That Start-Ups Should Know About
When it comes to contracts, every business is different. Working with an attorney can help make sure that you’re putting together...

Registering a Trademark Yourself
Lawyers are a drag. They can be condescending, unresponsive and in general a hassle to deal with. Above all, they’re expensive. It’s no...

Protecting Your Trademark: the Whys and the Hows
Many start-ups and small businesses are vaguely aware that they’re supposed to register their trademarks, but they’re not sure what...